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The Civic Tech Field Guide is a crowdsourced, global collection of democracy tech. It’s your place to find and be found. Your support allows us to serve you better. We directly invest donations into platform improvements, better data collection, and faster user support. Can you pitch in? https://www.every.org/civic-tech-field-guide?theme_color=574fd9&designation=Civic+Tech+Field+Guide&utm_campaign=donate-link#/donate Over 50,000 civic tech practitioners from all […]
Thanks to Civic Tech in Africa for having me on to share the Civic Tech Field Guide and a great conversation with Nathi Mcetywa about the value in learning from each other.
A background explainer and snapshot of the Access to Information community at this moment in time, Summer 2024.
Over the period of a year, The Civic Tech Field Guide team met with democracy activists working in countries whose democracies are under active threat. A surprising finding was the overlap in these groups’ needs. What resources can begin to address these needs, and what more can we, as a field, do to help?
We’re thrilled to share that we’ve been selected for Next Generation Internet Search, a European project to support “entrepreneurs, tech-geeks, developers, and socially engaged people” to challenge the way we search and discover information and resources on the internet. Our Portugal-based curator Matt Stempeck (hi) has teamed up with Eticas.ai, a Spanish company that’s productizing the ability […]
The White House wants our ideas on how to improve public participation and community engagement with the federal government. And we’re answering that call as a community.
In September 2023, we were able to participate in Feira, the Global Gathering, a festival for digital rights defenders, convened by Team Community.
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The Civic Tech Field Guide is a crowdsourced, global collection of democracy tech. It’s your place to find and be found. Your support allows us to serve you better. We directly invest donations into platform improvements, better data collection, and faster user support. Can you pitch in? https://www.every.org/civic-tech-field-guide?theme_color=574fd9&designation=Civic+Tech+Field+Guide&utm_campaign=donate-link#/donate Over 50,000 civic tech practitioners from all […]
Thanks to Civic Tech in Africa for having me on to share the Civic Tech Field Guide and a great conversation with Nathi Mcetywa about the value in learning from each other.
A background explainer and snapshot of the Access to Information community at this moment in time, Summer 2024.
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“Get inspiration from others. Civic Tech Field Guide is building an organized collection of prompts used successfully by nonprofits and social good organizations for AI tools.”
“The Civic Tech Field Guide is a catalogue of tools and resources covering the full breadth of ‘tech for the common good’.“
“The Civic Tech Field Guide has become the most comprehensive collection of tech projects for the public interest and democracy, providing not only a directory of such projects but also a calendar of global conferences and events and access to regularly conducted research.”
Pamela Hamilton
Civic Tech Field Guide userAdam Sharpe
UNESCOWill Byrne
Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Pluro LabsHave a story you’d like to share with us?
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