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We’re a Civvy finalist!

We’re thrilled to share that the Civic Tech Field Guide has been selected as a finalist in the Civvys. What are the Civvys, you ask? Good question! The American Civic Collaboration Awards, or the Civvys, are the only national awards program dedicated to celebrating projects that emphasize working together across divides of all kinds – […]


We’re thrilled to share that the Civic Tech Field Guide has been selected as a finalist in the Civvys. What are the Civvys, you ask? Good question!

A banner for the Civvys Awards featured a star-spangled figurine
We’re hoping to take home a a star-spangled Civvy figurine

The American Civic Collaboration Awards, or the Civvys, are the only national awards program dedicated to celebrating projects that emphasize working together across divides of all kinds – political, geographical, economic, cultural – to strengthen communities and empower citizens. By leveraging collaboration as a core strength, these initiatives put community and nation before party, ideology, and narrow interests, embodying a civic spirit that inspires other Americans to take action, and developing processes and tools that provide a model for best practices.

If you’re looking for the people who are making America work, who are answering the call to serve their nation and their neighbors through collaborative, creative efforts that inspire, unite and facilitate civic participation, look no further than the American Civic Collaboration Awards (“Civvys”) nominees.

Developed by the Bridge Alliance Education Fund, Big Tent Nation, and the National Conference on Citizenship in 2017, the Civvys Awards are among the most high-profile and visible aspects of the civic renewal movement.

What happens next? The review committee will deliberate, and the winners will be announced at the National Conference on Citizenship in Washington, D.C this October.

Are you interested in civic tech and civic engagement awards and prizes? Check out our category on this subject, which currently lists 32 awards and prizes to recognize and support your work.

And please join us in congratulating the other Finalists, all of whom are great company to be in:

2019 Finalists

Local Category

Common Good Atlanta

Draw the Lines PA

Indiana Humanities, “INseparable initiative”

The Village Square

Veronica Crespin-Palmer, RISE Colorado

Your Voice Ohio Media Collaborative

Youth Category

Andrew Lardie, Bowdoin Votes

Amy Farrell, GenerationNation

The Annette Strauss Institute for Civic Life, Texas Civic Ambassador Program

King Makers of Oakland, Project of the Office of African American Male Achievement

MOVE Texas

National Category


American Association of State College and Universities, American Democracy Project

Civic Tech Field Guide

ioby “In Our Back Yard”

The Participatory Budgeting Project


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