

Latest news from the community - Page 5

In celebration of State of the Map US taking place this past weekend, we decided to refresh our own civic maps collection. With 71 “mapping” projects (and more on the way), it was time to make that section more approachable. So, we’ve broken out individual civic maps and re-usable mapping platforms. Civic maps collect and […]

We’re thrilled to share that the Civic Tech Field Guide has been selected as a finalist in the Civvys. What are the Civvys, you ask? Good question! The American Civic Collaboration Awards, or the Civvys, are the only national awards program dedicated to celebrating projects that emphasize working together across divides of all kinds – […]

Together with the civic tech community, we’ve been hard at work building a collection of relevant projects to help you in your work. We just uploaded a fresh batch of over 800 new and recent entries. So, we wanted to share an exciting milestone with you: The Civic Tech Field Guide now includes over 3,000 […]

Matt was invited to share the Civic Tech Timeline at the Civic Tech Toronto Meetup last night. He was the 196th speaker in the event series, hosted in a building that predates the incorporation of the city itself. Watch the video below for a quick overview of the Guide, the timeline, and a discussion about civic […]

By Micah L. Sifry, reposted from Civicist First Post with permission. Today, Matt Stempeck and I are pleased to announce the release of our new free tool, the Civic Tech Name Generator. This tool will revolutionize how you name your next civic tech project. It’s designed to work for all the most common civic tech […]