The Tech > Participatory democracy > Engagement tech > Polarization - (8)

Projects that seek to reduce perceived political polarization through a variety of methods, like guided exposure to alternate viewpoints.

Showing 8 Results

News Ambassadors

What might it sound like if a reporter in rural Missouri partnered with a reporter in New York City to together explore contentious issues and uplift common ground?

Citizen Connect

Citizen Connect is a non-partisan platform dedicated to helping Americans right, left and center find ways to heal our divides and strengthen this great nation.

Bridge Alliance

Bridge Alliance members work in diverse areas of practice, all serving the larger movement for healthy self-governance.

America’s Political Pulse

This survey is a series of questions designed to shed light on public sentiment towards political animosity, respect for democracy, and support for political violence -- asked of a thousand Americans each week.

Polarization Research Lab

Polarization Research Lab

United States of America (the)

Resources and data to understand and halt the growth of partisan animosity

Path to 2024 Polarization Report Series

PRL’s Path to 2024 report series is a new monthly chronicle covering partisan attitudes of Americans in the lead-up to the November 2024 presidential election. Each month, we focus on a different salient issue affecting voters and analyze public attitudes from our weekly public opinion poll.

Digital Polarization Initiative

The Digital Polarization Initiative, or “DigiPo”, is ADP's national effort to build student civic, information and web literacy by having students participate in a broad, cross-institutional project to fact-check, annotate, and provide context to the different news stories that show up in our Twitter and Facebook feeds.

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