Graphic representing Dive

India (Bhārat)

Dive is not just an AI assistant; it's your partner in optimizing meetings for maximum efficiency.

Dive is not just an AI assistant; it's your partner in optimizing meetings for maximum efficiency. By seamlessly integrating with your video conferencing apps, Dive transforms your virtual meetings into value-driven sessions. Its real-time transcription feature ensures that nothing is missed, while actionable insights provide you with a clear overview of key points. Say goodbye to manually taking notes and struggling to recall discussions – Dive has you covered. Moreover, Dive automates task allocation and ensures follow-ups are never overlooked. With its AI-powered efficiency, Dive transforms meetings into productive collaborations, allowing you to focus on what truly matters. Say hello to more impactful meetings with Dive.

Status: Active
Claimed Status: Claimed
Open Source: No
Last Modified: 3/13/2024
Added on: 8/16/2023

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