The Tech > Participatory democracy > Engagement tech > Hotlines - (3)

Public service hotlines are dedicated phone lines provided by government agencies or nonprofit organizations that citizens can call to access various services, report problems, get information, or receive immediate assistance on a variety of issues, enhancing accessibility and responsiveness of public services.

Showing 3 Results

Féministes contre le cyberharcèlement

Association féministe intersectionnelle à l'origine de #TwitterAgainstWomen, notre objectif est de sensibiliser et d'informer sur les cyberviolences, les droits des victimes et les recours possibles.

Pigeon Text Hotline

Pigeon Text Hotline

United States of America (the)

Add a text hotline to your services for fractions of a cent per text! Carrier Pigeon lets your team receive & reply to clients’ texts in Slack. Carrier Pigeon is currently used by abortion access organizations to provide information, find clinics, and answer clients' questions - securely & confidentially.

Digital Defense Fund

Digital Defense Fund

United States of America (the)

We are Digital Defense Fund, and we do digital security for the abortion access movement.

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